Lighting Up Santa Barbara this spring
Lighting Up Santa Barbara this spring

By Cecilia Martini-Muth on February 3, 2016

BACKSTAGE Spring 2015

By Cecilia Martini-Muth on March 1, 2015

LOL Comedy Festival

By Cecilia Martini-Muth on August 26, 2014

Hearing Loop available at the Lobero
Hearing Loop available at the Lobero

By Cecilia Martini-Muth on May 6, 2014

Introducing the Historic Theatre District
Introducing the Historic Theatre District

By Cecilia Martini-Muth on April 1, 2014

Re-opening Week Wrap-up
Re-opening Week Wrap-up

By Cecilia Martini-Muth on December 11, 2013