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Lobero Theatre exterior at night
Patrick Price

Interested in engaging further with the Lobero while promoting your business? A corporate or culinary sponsorship may be just the ticket!

Our sponsors play such an impactful role through their underwriting of our Lobero LIVE series. Consider becoming a corporate or culinary sponsor to enjoy a robust ticket package and targeted marketing opportunities.

Culter's sponsor backstage at the Lobero Theatre

Corporate Sponsors

Our Lobero LIVE events (pre-show parties) are a great way to showcase your company or product while engaging with our discerning and cultured audience. In addition, we will feature your business throughout numerous marketing channels.

Sponsorships are available from $2,500 – $20,000, with many customizable benefits, including:

  • Full-color ad in BACKSTAGE at the Lobero magazine
  • Your logo on Corporate Sponsor page in BACKSTAGE magazine
  • Substantial ticket package
  • Logo and website link on and Lobero APP
  • Opportunity to be the Featured Sponsor for show of your choice with advance marketing of your business
  • VIP ticketing service
  • Invitation to VIP pre-show parties

Please contact Sylvie Monsivais for more information on Corporate Sponsorship.

Patrick and Colin Hay back stage at the Lobero Theatre

Culinary Sponsors

Interested in showcasing your restaurant or catering company to our VIP ticket buyers and donors? A culinary sponsorship might be right up your alley AND ours!
These sponsorships do not require a monetary donation, but rather an in-kind gift of light fare for our VIP pre-show parties.

For more information, please reach out to Sheila Caldwell to find out more information about a Culinary Sponsorship.

Thank you to our corporate sponsors