Join us on a journey under the sea for a world premiere featuring all-new sets, costumes, life-sized puppets, and a world premiere musical score by composer Charles Fernandez. In this heartwarming tale, The Little Mermaid takes the ultimate adventure, sacrificing her tail and her voice to experience life as a human and pursue true love. An imaginative take on a classic story, this production is perfect for all ages.
Choreography by Megan Philipp and Cecily MacDougall
Music by Charles Fernandez (World Premiere)
Featuring the Opera San Luis Obispo Grand Orchestra
Conducted by Brian Asher Alhadeff
*Young audience members are invited to enter the theater at 1:15 pm on March 2nd to take a photo with a real ballerina and hear her tell the story of The Little Mermaid.
*Families with special needs or small children are invited to our first sensory-friendly Performance on March 1 at 2:00 pm. During sensory-friendly performances, the lights in the theater stay on, the music is played more quietly, fidget items are welcome, and patrons can move, vocalize, and behave in ways that are often unfamiliar in other performance settings. Tickets are $20; subsidized tickets are available upon request.