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Spotlight on Artist Brad Nack

by Anne Wilde
July 26, 2023

With the mastery to create such absorbing pieces that are universally relatable, yet unique, bold, and fresh, often evoking unexpected emotions in their observers, it’s no wonder Nack’s paintings are now piquing the interest of serious collectors.

Brad Nack Headshot

Brad Nack has always considered the Lobero to be a pillar of the performing arts community and felt it was a huge honor to be invited to take on the rewarding endeavor of painting three original artworks for the Lobero’s 2022-23 Backstage covers. The 30×40 canvas paintings are also included in the Lobero Ovation Celebration Fundraising Raffle, along with SAMsARA wine club subscriptions, restaurant gift certificates to La Paloma, Loquita, Pickle Room, Lobero show tickets, and Lobero swag.

Exposed to an onslaught of art from infancy, Nack travelled extensively throughout Europe with his parents while growing up – talented artist Jonella, and abstract painter/art professor Ken, who exhibited in numerous prominent museums across the globe. What resonates most with Brad is mid-century art, which is a core part of his identity.

Brad Nack Lobero Artwork

The artist’s goal is to create art that is free of pretense – based on a foundation of craft, experimentation, and curiosity. As unique as it is for a musician to identify perfect pitch, Nack has an exceptional aptitude for creating palettes utilizing nuances of color, crediting late artist Robert Frame as an influential mentor.

Brad’s father, who studied with Fernand Léger in Paris, had always encouraged his son to give each piece the time it deserves, and emphasized that the real challenge is knowing when to stop. When Brad creates his paintings, he has a concept of how the piece will look when it’s finished, but allows himself to take a journey with the artwork rather than predetermining the route he will take to get there.

At first glance, Nack’s paintings may be perceived as whimsical or carefree creations – but upon closer reflection, the insightful viewer experiences a deeper realization, as one cannot deny the juxtaposition of image and perspective.

His captivating choice of colors, mingling brilliant shades and hues with a provocative usage of specific understated tones, adds an intriguing storyline to the painting’s subject – beckoning the viewer to stop and observe the subtext behind the image.

Lobero Artwork 2023

Brad has worked in different artistic mediums over the years – such as songwriting, producing, filmmaking, and marketing – with the same creative spirit, but his focus remains on painting. His body of work contains large-scale public art murals, commissioned pieces, and numerous gallery exhibitions. He especially enjoys working on sizable wall paintings, installations, and digital art.

Lobero Artwork 2022

For most artists, getting a solo show can be quite challenging. But once Brad started curating, the art world opened up to him. Having served as Executive Director of the Santa Barbara Arts Fund and curator for MichaelKate Gallery, his advice to up-and-coming artists is to adopt a collaborative sensibility. When you are not single-minded about your own personal goal, being part of a supportive arts community provides far more opportunities to network and showcase your work.

Aside from painting, the local artist enjoys traveling, music, surfing, and creating inventions. To see more of Brad’s artwork, check out his website: or visit him on Facebook @bradnack, Instagram @bradnack, or X @Brad_Nack.
