We are thrilled to be Santa Barbara Green Business grads
The first Certified Green Theatre AND the first Historic Building to complete the Santa Barbara County Green Business program.
In order to earn this certification, the Lobero went through a thorough review and implemented solutions to improve efficiency in electricity, water use, as well as a sustainable transportation plan for staff members. All of these improvements were introduced in a way that was compatible with our historic aesthetic and corporate culture.
We’ve been working on reducing our carbon footprint for several years. In 2011 the Lobero became the first theatrical business to join the City of Santa Barbara’s Recycling and Composting Programs. Then, 2013’s Encore: Lobero renovations brought in eco-friendly updates including: low-flow toilets, drought tolerant landscaping and energy-efficient electrical systems throughout. Last year, thanks to House Manager Daniel Ramirez, we ramped up efforts to reduce electricity and water use–which included changing hundreds of light bulbs, updating any remaining antique plumbing fixtures, implementing an Employee Transportation Plan–we even changed to eco-friendly cleaning products!
“We view efforts to reduce our carbon footprint as not only our social responsibility, but also as a way to decrease long term operational costs and increase the viability and comfort of the building. It’s good for everyone.” – David Asbell, Executive Director
The Lobero is conscious of its lasting presence in the Santa Barbara community, and views adapting sustainable practices as a practical and advantageous way to ensure the vitality of the theatre long into the future.
Learn more about the Green Business Program of Santa Barbara County and be sure to support Green Businesses throughout Santa Barbara County.