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by Cecilia Martini-Muth
May 29, 2015

Santa Barbara: California’s most cultured coast.

Isn’t that a great way to sum it up? (Of course, we’re biased.)

The Lobero is proud to be part of such a fabulous and diverse group of arts organizations — performing arts, visual arts and otherwise, and we had a blast learning more about the social media efforts to promote our cultural wares taking place over at Visit Santa Barbara.


Back in April, a few fun and influential social media pros came to town to see what Santa Barbara had to offer their followers. The Lobero was chosen as one of the stops along the way for Jessica Doll, aka / @teamwiking came by the theatre for a behind-the-scenes tour of the auditorium, and got to see the stage and ghostlight in a quiet moment. (That’s a portion of one of her gorgeous photos at the top of this post.)

Afterward, we got to enjoy a tour and wine-tasting in the Presidio Neighborhood–of which, the Lobero is a member–with some of the other visiting social media pros. Wayne and Pat Dunlap have traveled extensively and run a hugely popular travel blog. (here’s their Santa Barbara post) They would make for amazing dinner guests, and their travel knowledge has been well documented. Meeting Ted Nguyen was also a treat, as this guy really knows what he’s talking about when it comes to social media, and was a lot of fun to spend an afternoon with as we sipped wine and chatted about travel and social media.

Check out the posts generated from this busy afternoon:

and even better, follow the #Culture101 hashtag on twitter; the hits keep on coming in.

It was great getting to know the folks-in-the-know when it comes to travel and social media. Thanks to Visit Santa Barbara for coordinating and for including us.

Also, if you’re not already following us in our social efforts, what are you waiting for? We’re busy posting almost every day.